The 250th birth anniversary of Michał Kleofas Ogiński
The 250th birth anniversary of Michał Kleofas Ogiński
The 250th birth anniversary of Michał Kleofas Ogiński
The 250th birth anniversary of Michał Kleofas Ogiński
On the occasion of the 250th birth anniversary of politician, diplomat, statesman and composer Michał Kleofas Ogiński, we created a new internet website. We believe that such a way to collect information on Ogiński in one place and make it easily accessible will give an opportunity to the Lithuanian and international public to learn more about the documentary and museum heritage of the Ogiński family kept in the following state memory institutions: the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (WLLAS), the Vilnius University Library (VUL), the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, the Lithuanian State History Archives, the Lithuanian Art Museum (LAM), the M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum, the Šiauliai “Aušra” Museum, the Rietavas Oginski Cultural History Museum, the Samogitian Art Museum, the Samogitian “Alka” Museum, and the Kaišiadorys Museum. The website presents key documents and art objects related to the origins, life and activities (and also their cultural, religious, historical and geographical context) of the Ogińskis, a magnate family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
These are archival, manuscript and published documents, books, old periodicals, seals, photographs and lithographs, paintings and sculptures, crockery, musical instruments and furniture. They are accompanied by descriptions and annotations containing copious historical and biographical information. The structure of the website, which is organized into thematic groups and chapters, will ensure that the viewers will be able to orientate themselves amidst the abundance of objects. Each thematic group is accompanied by a text about Michał Kleofas Ogiński, and each chapter, by a short annotation about the presented objects and their chronological range. The images displayed on the website are intended for viewing and information purposes. The visitors will be able to view larger objects in the e-heritage and institutional (the WLLAS and the VUL) repositories, which will be accessible through an interactive link provided in the description.
A search window will allow the visitors to search for information by keywords (for example, personal names, location names, etc.). We would like to invite the viewers to make their comments on the displayed objects, to share information they possess on the matter and to leave feedback to the creators of the website. We hope that the website will not only help the public familiarize themselves with the preserved written, art and museum heritage, but also will give an opportunity to the Lithuanian and international research community, cultural and creative industry, educators and students to make use of the visual and textual information we present here. Please send your requests for use of the images or copies of the objects to the keepers, whose addresses may be found in the description of the project.