Home » Skaryna » Biography » Biography » A record from the register of the University of Padua concerning the trial examination for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine taken by Skaryna on 6 XI 1512. USP AS SCFM

A record from the register of the University of Padua concerning the trial examination for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine taken by Skaryna on 6 XI 1512. USP AS SCFM

A record from the register of the University of Padua concerning the trial examination for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine taken by Skaryna on 6 XI 1512. USP AS SCFM


Įrašas Paduvos universiteto aktų knygoje apie 1512 XI 6 Skorinos laikytą bandomąjį egzaminą medicinos daktaro laipsniui gauti. USP AS SCFM

A record from the register of the University of Padua concerning the trial examination for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine taken by Skaryna on 6 XI 1512. USP AS SCFM

Запіс у кнізе актаў Падуанскага ўніверсітэта аб экзамене на атрыманне ступені доктара медыцыны, які здаваў Францыск Скарына 6 XI 1512. USP AS SCFM