Home » Skaryna » Biography » Biography » A page from the matricula of Cracow University containing a mention of Francysk Skaryna (the fifth from the top in the tenth column). 1504. BJ
A page from the matricula of Cracow University containing a mention of Francysk Skaryna (the fifth from the top in the tenth column). 1504. BJ
Lapas iš Krokuvos universiteto matrikulų knygos, kuriame paminėtas Pranciškus Skorina (5 nuo viršaus dešiniame stulpelyje). 1504. BJ
A page from the matricula of Cracow University containing a mention of Francysk Skaryna (the fifth from the top in the tenth column). 1504. BJ
Ліст з матрыкула Кракаўскага ўніверсітэта, дзе ўпамінаецца Францыск Скарына (5 зверху ў правым слупку). 1504. BJ
Imatrikulační záznam za rok 1504 v matrice krakovské univerzity. Skorinův údaj je jedenáctý shora: Franciʃcus Luce de Plocʒko, 2 gr. 1400–1508. BJ