The inventors of printing, Johannes Gutenberg and Johann Fust. At the bottom is an image of a 16th century printing house. 1639. LMAVB Prague about 1536. UBW Poland and Lithuania in the 16th century. 1564. LMAVB The title page of the Bible translated into German by Martin Luther. 1545. LMAVB The groundbreaking figure of the Reformation, Dr. Martin Luther. 1580. LMAVB One of the books of the Ruthenian Bible, The Song of Songs, finished printing on 9 I 1518. BCzart One of the books of the Ruthenian Bible, The Song of Songs, finished printing on 9 I 1518. BCzart The title page of the Bible of Brest. 1563. LMAVB The title page of the Bible translated by Jonas Bretkūnas. 1590. GstA PK, XX HA Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Königsberg